Answering the Professional Development Needs
Based on our work with thousands of teachers and administrators, we compiled the following six criteria to help leaders evaluate their strategic partnership options. These criteria represent best-in-class needs for key teachers and administrators. Scroll down or click on any criteria to expand.

Personalized to Each Learner
Self-Reflection about practice
Observations and Evaluations
PD learning personalized to individual needs
Peer-to-peer connections, PLCs, portfolio, growth goals, etc.

High-Quality PD Substance
Authoritative Framework experts
Vetted providers of PD resources
Used across the country
Impact validated by data.

Framework-agnostic (applies to any set of standards)
Content-agnostic (any format, in-person and remote)
LMS-agnostic (resources can be hosted anywhere)
Easy to add custom resources, PLCs, mentors, credits, etc.

Progress tracking
Results reporting
Learning plans
Impact analytics.

Secure and Accessible
Anytime anywhere access
100s of higher-quality resources "off the shelf"
Roadmap adjusts to local best practices.

Secure AWS cloud platform
API and LTI provider
Can be a part of your stack, or
System of record for teachers.